Thursday, December 20, 2007


WOW! at 50 posts! yahoo! well...this lil post is part of another HELLBOY boy...more to come, the goodness in full view. ARCHAIC 12 is in shops this week. I actually went in and bought a copy and was kinda stoked they decided to use my marker colors....I thought that idea was trashed...I really love the way markers look...

I was also talked into buying a rather sweet umbrella academy shirt from one of the nice employees of my local comic shop. It's a fucking rad-ass shirt! But it's a lil' big, and rather boxy, so I'm going to take my sewing skills into action and chop this baby up and recreate it.

Perhaps that will be another blog. Teach them boys who make these comic shirts that us gals like to look like, well, errrmm...uh like GALS when we wear the shirts...Some of the only comic based shirts I've come around that were actually for girls were 'Emily the Strange', this cool pin-up dude from comic con, and Mr. David Mack from 'Kabuki'...Mack: always thinking of ways to make the ladies look sexy while sporting kabuki shirts....he's either one smart cookie, or one of his girl-pals suggested it...either way, he's got the best girl cut shirts out there...

So yes...this is a major problem to any and all comic related T-shirt making folks out there. We ladies like comic book shirts. We'll sport the hell out of them. Just make them fit! Same goes with hoodies....boy did i want a spiderman hoodie...or batman...but out of all the towers and piles of shirts and sweatshirts at comic con could I find one remotely my size?? FUCK NO! I ended up trying to fit into kids sizes, which didn't work either because I have unusually long ass arms....Maybe I should just start making them myself....hmmm...


Ryan Genovese said...

Here's to another 50 posts Kiddo. (haha.. i called you "kiddo" just like James!) Keep on posting. Remember.. "If you post it, they will comment." (really bad 'Field of Dreams' .)

Ryan Genovese said...

Here's to another 50 posts Kiddo. (haha.. i called you "kiddo" just like James!) Keep on posting. Remember.. "If you post it, they will comment." (really bad 'Field of Dreams' analogy.)