okay...it seems i have been able to escape...slowly, carefully, like a ninja....to type this to anyone who reads. coming from places where boys fear to tread. beyond the lengths of in the arms of sleep. the skys outside are like a ridley scott film..dark and red and menacing: through the eyes of ruby are the tales of a scortched earth. and i have top secret information im not allowed to dislose at the moment, for we only come out at night, while we're in the arms of sleep. good information, here is no why. it's beautiful, by starlight. very very good secrets, stumbleine. but now, i must go meet with MCIS....for it is near the autumn nocturn. dizzle and blast, these germans in leather pants...there is no escape, from this siamese dream. Feel it break your bones, Mr. jones....now just watch me, death defy....
can you figure it out?
over and out....